NIOSH FACE Reports 9228 & 9229: Hog farm co-owner and employee die of hydrogen sulfide poisoning in manure pit—Minnesota.
NIOSH FACE Report 8944: Two farm laborers die in oxygen-deficient manure pit.
NIOSH Alert – Preventing deaths of Farm Workers in Manure Pits
Murphy DJ, Manbeck HB. Confined spaces manure storage and facility safety assessment. J Agric Saf Health. 2014;20:199–210.
Morse DL, Woodbury MA, Rentmeester K, Farmer D.Death caused by fermenting manure. Jama. 1981;245:63–64.
Minnesota FACE Investigation 94MN057: Waste hauling service worker dies after he collapsed in an underground manure waste pit.
Minnesota FACE Investigation 94MN045: Farmer asphyxiated in manure waste pit.
Manure Pit Safety Fact Sheets
Manure Gas Safety – Review of Practices and Recommendations for Wisconsin Livestock Farms
John M. Shutske, Daniel Schaefer, Rebecca Larson, Kevin Erb, Cheryl Skjolaas, Stephanie Leonard, Jeff Nelson, Elizabeth Binversie & Scott Rifleman (2018) Investigation of a Worker Death While Agitating Manure in a Non-enclosed Storage, Journal of Agromedicine, 23:1, 10-19, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2017.1397076