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S. Issa, 2015. Evaluating the Impact of Forces on a Human Body While Being Rescued and Entrapped in Grain.
P.S. O’Conner, 2012. The Economic Impact of Extending OSHA’s Grain Handling Standards to Currently Exempt Agricultural Worksites. Master of Science.
S. Riedel, 2011. Estimation of the Frequency, Severity and Primary Causative Factors Associated With Injuries and Fatalities Involving Confined Spaces in Agriculture. Master of Science.
M. Roberts, 2008. Summary of Prior Grain Entrapment Rescue Strategies and Application Principles Associated with using a Grain Rescue Tube as a Grain Retaining Device. Master of Science.
Beaver, R.L. 2005. Assessing the Nature, Frequency, and Causation of Entrapments and Fatalities Associated with On-Farm Storage and Handling of Livestock Manure. Master of Science.
Kingman, Douglas, M., 2002. Utilizing a Systems Approach to Develop an On-farm Grain Storage Hazard Assessment Tool. Doctor of Philosophy.
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Cheng, Y. H. (2017). Developing and Measuring Effectiveness of a New Evidence-Based Grain Storage and Handling Safety Curriculum Targeting Young and Beginning Workers (Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University).
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